What are you guys called?
All- We are called Julian Jimmy and Ben and together we make Mars Red Sky.
What is your favourite love song?
Julian- Love hurts
Will you sing it for us?
(Julian gives us a short rendition)
Julian- I don't remember the words
Jimmy - Ergh the song Chick Chick Chick
How is that a love song?
Jimmy- I don't remember my favorite love song
Ben- I would say Cosmic Dancer by T-Rex
Why is that your favorite love song?
Ben - Actually it's not my favorite just the first one I thought of, I'm not even sure it is a love song!
I really like the song though and it reminds me of love
Can you tell us about your first love?
Julian- I was about ten, she was Catherine, I could tell cause she made me tingle all over.
Jimmy - I think it was around the same time, around ten. It was a girl in my class.
Ben- My first love was the girl in the French Mayonaise advert.
What was your first kiss like?
Julian- It was horrible! I was really nervous and shy.
Ben- With a girl, but it was not a good memory!
What's the romantic thing you've ever done?
Jimmy- I did a firework display for a girl on the beach, a small one. I was really in love, but then she left.
The fireworks kept her for one year and then she left.
Ben- Maybe with a girl my first time
Words: Kylie Griffiths
Pictures: myspace.com/marsredsky