It’s that tricksy, treatsy time of year again, and we at Smash and Grab strived to live up to the auspicious Halloween name with our fabulous ‘Dead Celebrities’ night! For those of you doughnuts out there who didn’t make it, you missed out! It was…FRIGHTFULLY good.

As usual, our live acts didn’t disappoint! After Sally warmed up the masses with sleek style behind the decks, Internet Forever came bouncing out to deliver their own special brand of fizzy indie pop. “It’s an honour to play in a room with so many pictures of the Kings of Leon”, singer Laura Wolf confesses. Listening to their adorably nostalgic sound, you can’t help but compare them to that rare and very special garment you sometimes discover at the back of a vintage shop, covered in sequins and happiness. And it’s always nice to see a band who all have lovely haircuts.
Later, Teeth!!! rev up the tempo with frenetic strobe-lit madness. Throwing shapes that would put a Transformer to shame, zombified brides, cats and vampires are punched and pummelled by the dirty, bass-tastic frenzy; even the hanging plastic bats are feeling the heat.
In between bands, I set up base in the Dress-Up Box and turned my very inexperienced hand to Zombie Makeovers. For only a pound I worked magic on unsuspecting mugs with my trusty sponges, makeup and fake blood. “This feels SO wrong,” groans one happy customer, as red slides down his neck [N.B. Smash and Grab is not liable for any dry-cleaning costs incurred]. Zombies galore, several Jokers and one very cross-eyed Harry Potter were soon rummaging happily around for silly Dress-Up threads to complete their look. Outfit of the night? One suave Italian gentleman, donning a jester hat, red wool leggings and a natty Christmas jumper to match the gore spouting from most of his orifices. The scariest costume, however, went to a man wearing from the neck up what can only be described as a gigantic cardboard cow head, which was bloody terrifying! It was like that old Cravendale advert [‘The cows want it back’] come to life in all-too-real 3-D. Brr.
For the last live act, Teengirl Fantasy took the stage. Their echoing vocals and flickering, pulsing dub beats created an altogether otherworldly ambience, sounding like a robot on a long-distance call across several distorted seas. The track ‘Love Don’t Live Here’ saw three undead belles hazily embrace, with several couples kissing in time to slow sways. Do androids dream of electric love? Teengirl Fantasy might well cause you to believe it.
Finally, DJs Love Supreme wash us all away on a sea of loved-up party songs ‘til the end of the night, with such classics as ‘I Was Meant for Loving You Baby’, ‘Lovecats’ and ‘Don’t You Want Me’ churning out enough sparkles and serotonin to make every happy little zombie go home with a smile.
So, as Halloween ends for another year, us at Smash and Grab want to say THANK YOU to all you fitties for making it such a good one! Definitely a night to remember. I only hope that there weren’t too many old ladies on the nightbus back – that gore was pretty realistic.
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