What's your favorite love song?
Soldier on by Temperature.
Why's that?
I think it's the only song that sums up what love is about, because it's not a beautiful thing that people should just sing about. I think it's a reality of how shit love is.
Do you think you've ever been in love?
I've been in love a few times.
What do you think the difference is between love and lust?
I'd say lust is a lot more fun, love's a lot more trying. Lust is just awesome. I'm basically just planning on living on a few years of lust.
Love inspires songs but I'm pretty tired of it and it's worn me out. I don't really want to do anymore of that.
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Once and never again.
What was your heartbreak story?
My teenage heart throb. I screwed everything up so she broke up with me and I learnt a lot of harsh lessons in a short amount of time.
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
I'm quite a romantic really, I took a girl to Paris without either of our parents knowing when we were fifteen for the weekend.
I've done a treasure hunt for a girl once that lasted three days, all the way around London, giving her clues to a present.
I'd say I'm pretty romantic.
What's the worst quality a girl could have?
Lying. I'm actually physically into any girl but if they chat shit, then that's the worst possible thing a girl could do.
Describe your first kiss.
About ten years ago I was a littl'un and I kissed a girl that I was on holiday with, it was amazing I was really confused but I was really enjoying it and then I tried to find her that night.
So I walked up to where she lived but she was getting in a car and I could see her a mile away. It was too far away for me to do anything about it.
What's your worst ever sexual experience?
Probably getting caught by parents in the kitchen of my house, with a girl I loved very much. They knew we were going out but they walked in from a night out and we were on the kitchen table.
Words: Kylie Griffiths
Photos: Wade Fletcher
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