Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Smash and Grab do Reading and Leeds

The weekend before last was Reading and Leeds.
We got off to a great start when Tabitha got stuck in Romford being told every minute detail of our bus.
We passed the time with some arts and crafts.

Tabitha claimed we could "ask anything" about the bus, but we never learnt how to open a window or use the electricity over the course of the weekend.

We got to Reading in time to catch the end of Florence's set as well as see Jamie T and The Black Lips.

Friday night was Florence's birthday party at Smash and Grab. As a present Barcardi supplied Florence with a FREE Mojito bar. Good birthday present.

Temporary technical hitch meant the decks broke. Florence stepped up to save the day.

Strong team.

Florence, Grace and Jess "getting low"

My favorite guy at Reading. Nice string vest.

Grimmy doing some kind of weird claw.

Sexual aerobics.

Alex Miller bought the fun. There was a gaping hole without his killer moves at Leeds.

We bought some excited crowd members up onto the stage. It's a shame the guy I bought up had taken so many pills he'd lost the ability to move.

Must have put on a "GASH!" song. Sorry Tabitha.

Being super organized in Leeds.

Scottee got "womb envy" and pretended he had ovaries. Pretty realistic.

Good dress Sally.

More sexual aerobics.

The most terrifying man in Leeds.

This dress is the most colorful, as well as the most painful item of clothing, I have ever worn to date.

Smash Singalong with Scottee and Theo

More Sexual Aerobics.

"If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it"

Words: Kylie Griffiths
Photos: Zoe Jenkin

1 comment:

  1. Oh yessss, I've made the smash and grab blogspot, 2nd picture from the bottom! even if there is a tall man dressed up as a woman in front of me, you can still see my legs and t shirt and jacket,haha, that was such an amazing night in Leeds, once I'm actually 18 and have more money than I do now I shall certainly come down to london to smash and grab again :)
